2018-09-25 10:35:00 Tuesday ET
Sirius XM pays $3.5 billion shares to acquire the music app company Pandora. This acquisition would form the largest audio entertainment company worldwide.
2022-11-05 11:32:00 Saturday ET
CEO overconfidence and corporate performance Malmendier and Tate (JFE 2008, JF 2005) argue that overconfident CEOs are more likely to initiate mergers an
2019-07-07 18:36:00 Sunday ET
The Chinese central bank has to circumvent offshore imports-driven inflation due to Renminbi currency misalignment. Even though China keeps substantial fore
2019-01-01 03:34:48 Tuesday ET
American allies assist AT&T and Verizon in implementing 5G telecommunication technology in the U.S. as such allies ban the use of HuaWei 5G telecom equi
2019-02-17 14:40:00 Sunday ET
U.S. economic inequality increases to pre-Great-Depression levels. U.C. Berkeley economics professor Gabriel Zucman empirically finds that the top 0.1% rich
2022-04-15 10:32:00 Friday ET
Corporate investment management This review of corporate investment literature focuses on some recent empirical studies of M&A, capital investm