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Search results : managerial entrenchment
2023-04-03This research delves into the public policy implications of worldwide convergence to Berle-Means stock ownership dispersion.
2010-02-02This research article provides our mathematical analysis of the gradual evolution of corporate ownership concentration around the world.
2019-10-03 17:39:00 Thursday ET
President Trump indicates that he would consider an interim Sino-American trade deal in lieu of a full trade agreement. The Trump administration defers high
2018-08-31 08:42:00 Friday ET
We share several famous inspirational stock market quotes by Warren Buffett, Peter Lynch, Benjamin Graham, Ben Franklin, Philip Fisher, and Michael Jensen.
2023-03-21 11:28:00 Tuesday ET
Barry Eichengreen compares the Great Depression of the 1930s and the Great Recession as historical episodes of economic woes. Barry Eichengreen (2016)
2020-07-19 09:25:00 Sunday ET
Senior business leaders can learn much from the lean production system with iterative continuous improvements at Toyota. Takehiko Harada (2015)
2018-04-07 09:36:00 Saturday ET
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg testifies in Congress to rise up to the challenge of public outrage in response to the Cambridge Analytica data debacle and use
2017-05-19 09:39:00 Friday ET
FAMGA stands for Facebook, Apple, Microsoft, Google, and Amazon. These tech giants account for more than 15% of market capitalization of the American stock